Tiger Woods, in a public statement today, made a sincere apology to everyone for all his failings. The media forecast Tiger Woods would speak for no more than two or three minutes. They were wrong it was over thirteen minutes. The public statement by Tiger Woods was an outright apology wherein he accepted full responsibility for his conduct. He made it very clear that he is going to make every effort to turn his life around. He made it clear that there is nothing more important to him than his wife and family.
In December of 2009 I wrote; “Tiger Woods and his family need our support, deserving or otherwise, not the continual damnation he is getting from those who are as less than perfect in some other way.” I stand by my view now more than ever, but this is unlikely, as many will continue to criticize Tiger Woods. In reality, there is absolutely nothing Tiger Woods could have said to satisfy everyone. Nor is there anything he can do to satisfy everyone.
Tiger Woods should be left alone to deal with his personal challenges in life. His critics should allow him to get on with his process of redemption. Tiger Woods is not perfect and nor are his critics. Let it go already! I want to see him do well, play golf again and win.