Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Since Russia is in the news every night at this time you may want to visit the
Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada

Ukraine and Nuclear Weapons

If you are interested in this issue then click the following two links:

Link One
Link Two

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hurting Russia over the Ukraine issue - Not

Check this link and then ask what has Canada really done to hurt Russia over the Ukraine issue.  You can also ask Brad Wall if we stop drinking Vodka will Russia be brought to their knees.  Not likely!  If Russia produced 90% of Canada's tobacco products would Canadians stop smoking.

Canadian / Russian Trade and Business Relations

The Harper Government could stop doing business with Russia, but that would harm Canada and Canadian business interests.  So the ineffective measures taken by the Harper Government to date are primarily to secure votes at the next election.  All the Harper Government has done is invoke travel bans and economic sanctions on some Russian and Ukrainian officials.

If you really want to hurt Russia over the Ukraine issue then stop doing business with them. That is not likely to happen as it runs against the Harper Government's Foreign Policy.

The Ukraine is near bankruptcy and the larger question may be how many Canadian tax dollars will the Harper Government send to the Ukraine.  It will be a risky investment at best as many of those dollars may end up in Russia.  Becoming involved in the conflicts of other nations is always a costly and complicated affair.  Afghanistan being the latest.  We just got out of there and now two Canadians have been killed in a shooting by four gunmen in a Kabul hotel on Friday leaving Canadians to ponder just how secure we left Afghanistan with the departure of our military.

Where nations are at, or near, war then any involvement by Canada must be made by the Parliament of Canada and not just the Prime Minister.  When the Prime Minister sent a delegation to the Ukraine he excluded the opposition parties.  That was wrong!

To put all this in another context what would Prime Minister Harper do if France sent officials to Quebec to help them get out of Canada and while here threatened military intervention to protect French speaking Canadians?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Quebec election: Why Pierre Karl Peladeau's candidacy is a big deal | CTV News

Star candidates are usually more trouble than they are worth.  Pierre Karl Peladeau is already causing problems for PQ Leader Pauline Marois as she had to literally push him away from her podium.  Peladeau is both a threat to the PQ Leader and a threat to national unity.

Why do we Canadians tolerate those whom are so publicly opposed to their own country. The Peladeau family made their millions in Canada.  Pierre Karl Peladeau is a millionaire and built his empire here and not in some distant land.  Canada is not perfect, but it is one of the best countries in the world.  How can Quebec with borders be better?  Ask Pierre Karl Peladeau!

Quebec election: Why Pierre Karl Peladeau's candidacy is a big deal | CTV News

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Premier Brad Wall - Preparing to Leave?

Saskatchewan's Premier Brad Wall is a good Premier and, like former Premier Grant Devine, is a good cheer leader.  Brad Wall was brought into provincial politics during the Devine era and learned what worked and what did not work.  Both Devine and Wall have a certain star-power created and fueled by the media.

Most recently, upon Premier Wall's visit to Washington, the media were asking him about his future after politics.  Maybe Canada's Ambassador to the United States or maybe CFL commissioner.  Here is where these two Premier's differ.  More than any other Premier Brad Wall is establishing opportunities for when he is no longer Premier.  Grant Devine failed in that respect and denied even the right to run as a federal conservative candidate, which I believe was unfair and and undemocratic.  Grant Devine allowed me to serve in Executive Council, but denied me the opportunity to serve in Cabinet, as I would not agree to unreasonable restrictions he intended to impose.  That too was unfair and costly to me and my constituents.

Grant Devine has not had a very significant post Premier life, due in some part, to how he conducted himself as Premier.  Devine bemoans the fact he was left with no platform to express his political views.  I established my own platform as a writer, speaker and campaign organizer for conservatives and liberals.  Devine could have done the same as he was a liberal and a conservative.

Premier Wall is working hard to prepare himself for post Premier life and the media is trying to show him the way.  Devine just went home to look after the cows at his small farm near Moose Jaw.  Will Wall just go home and get a job at a local store in Swift Current.  Not likely!  Watch for a possible appointment that may retire him from his position as Saskatchewan's "Star" Premier.