I was interested in the farewell column that Bob Hughes wrote as published in the Leader Post on May 20, 2008. It is true that Mr. Hughes ran into some problems over the last while, but I find it hard to accept that Bob seems content to sum up his life’s work in one short letter. Bob Hughes developed into an excellent writer over the years. I felt his best work was in the field of sport and community related articles. It seemed his attempts to excel in other fields of writing fell short of his natural skills as a writer.
We all understand that people make mistakes from time to time. It seems like I make one everyday. And we understand that at sometime in life you may just have to quit what you have been doing for the most part of your life. You either lose the edge or just get tired and sometimes both, which seems to be the case respecting Mr. Hughes according to his farewell letter.
There was something missing in his farewell letter, which he claimed was easy to write. It was easy because it lacked the necessary words of appreciation to the Leader Post for giving him the opportunity to write. Although he did refer to the Leader Post’s Editor-in Chief, Janice Dockham, as remarkable without any explanation as to what that statement had to do with his situation. It was easy because it lacked the inspiration of emotion and heartfelt sincerity in his apology, which one would expect in the last column of a long career.
Life is bigger than any one of us, and that includes Bob Hughes. I believe Bob Hughes will one day come to that ultimate conclusion. If this happens then his gifted ability to write may once again serve the readers of Saskatchewan in some meaningful way.
Bob, your last column is as difficult to write as your first. I know because you haven’t yet found the words to write one that truly reflects the best of Bob Hughes that your readers expect of you. Write it Bob, right down the middle like you hit that drive down the middle on Friday. Take your time, tee it up and let it rip. Y’er welcome!