The recent headline in your daily newspaper respecting the $61 M Ipsco expansion in Regina is good news for our province. Almost equally important is the fact the NDP government’s role in the expansion was praised by the Fraser Institute. The institute has long been considered a right wing think tank. You have to ask how Brad Wall and SaskParty are going to respond to this announcement and the support the NDP has received from the Fraser Institute? For that matter you have to ask how the NDP feels about getting support from an institute they have often challenged on other findings reported by the Fraser Institute?
I guess it can be compared to how you feel about the weather person reporting on the weather or the mail delivery person. If the weather suits you then give me another forecast. If you don’t get too many bills in your mailbox then you may be more likely to support a pay increase for the mail delivery people.
The bottom line is that we definitely don’t like bad news and we often are very suspicious of good news. This would sum up how the SaskParty and the NDP are likely feeling right now. Regardless, it is good news for the people of Saskatchewan and especially Regina and surrounding communities. We will take it and to heck with what the political parties think. If it changes how you may vote at the next election then go for it.
Ipsco is a major player in our economy and has been for a long time. We should wish them every success to keep the good news rolling.
This is a good news headline and good on the Leader Post for covering a positive story. It sure beats all the bad news we hear every day from all the media outlets. More positive stories will change how we think about our province. Equally important is how it will affect the thinking of those outside Saskatchewan who may be contemplating investing or relocating to our economically strong province.