The tragic shooting on Parliament Hill yesterday took the life of an unarmed Canadian Forces reservist while he was standing guard at the National War Memorial. Corporal Nathan Frank Cirillo, was a proud Canadian and soldier standing guard over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The shooter was Michael Joseph Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian, who had become deranged. His killing of Cpl. Cirillo was a senseless and cowardly act.
The shooter then proceeded to enter the House of Commons where he was shot by the Sergeant-at Arms Kevin Vickers in an act of courage and bravery. For the balance of the day Parliament Hill and the House of Commons was in lock down until security forces gained total control of the situation.
Yesterday was a sad day for Canadians, but it was also a day where Canadians displayed their usual courage and resiliency when threatened. It was a day that made you proud to be Canadian and to clearly understand Canadians will never stand down when threatened.
Today in the House of Commons our parliamentarians, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Leader of the Official Opposition and Justin Trudeau all gave powerful speeches of unity when Canadian values are threatened. Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers was justly given a standing ovation as he entered the House of Commons. It was inspirational to see our parliamentarians back at work the day after this senseless attack on our democratic institution and on the values we cherish.
Canada has just served notice to those who may plot against us that you will be met with a force of bravery and courage at every turn. We will never stand down and always stand proud to defend Canada and the values and freedom we cherish.
A proud Canadian.