Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The news today of a 5.5 magnitude earthquake in the Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal area is a reminder that bad things can happen at any time and anywhere. Fortunately, there have been no reports of injury, but some windows at Ottawa’s City Hall were apparently shattered and people were evacuated from various buildings including employees on Parliament Hill. We in the west have always known that Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal are the epicenter of Canada. This earthquake seems to have proven that point, as the epicenter was only 61 kilometres north of Ottawa.

It proved one other thing and that is that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is not easily rocked. He said he did not feel the earthquake. One person joked that it was simply the result of Quebec separating from the rest of Canada. Interestingly, we had to wait for the United States to feed us exact data on the strength of the earthquake.

Again it was good to hear no one was injured. And as the politicians will say, “moving forward” will bring calmer days.